
Premium Quality


Premium Quality


Premium Quality


Premium Quality


Premium Quality


Premium Quality


Our facilities are based on modern high tech machinery, and all of this technology has been designed by highly qualified engineers. Because of it, we are able to quickly adjust any process to meet our customer’s needs. This enables us to guarantee the highest quality available on the market today. Our facilities consist of the following:

Vibratory Sieve Pre-Cleaner
The modern design of the vibratory sieve separator allows it to achieve high quality cleaning at large capacities and also removing over and undersize impurities such as pieces of wood, stone etc.
Three Deck Fine Screen Cleaner
Super Fine Cleaners ensure excellent efficiency and purity by means of sieves and air screening.
Stone Separator Machine is for efficient separation of stones and metal, glass, and other high-density (heavier) admixtures from seed lot.
Gravity Separator
Gravity separator machine separates impurities that have a very slight difference in weight and who cannot be separated by the Fine Screen Cleaner.
7 Channel SORTEX
High Capacity Color Sorting Machine separates seeds depending on their color using optical LED system and multi lens Cameras. The purity reached after the sorting process is over 99,9%.

We monitor all processes constantly from the arrival of the raw material, to the packaging of the final product. In our laboratory, extensive analysis of raw material and final product are performed to check the quality of our sesame on a regular basis.

Leno Gulf Nigeria

Bompai Kano, Nigeria

No.10 Dantata Road

Phone: +966 55 7693344

Phone: +249 99 967 1000

Phone: +234 90 91 557777

Main Office

United Arab Emirates Ajman Free Zone

SM-Of ce-H1-227G

Phone: +966 55 7693344

Phone: +249 99 967 1000

Leno Gulf Sudan

Khartoum, Sudan

Soba Industrial City, Block 6

Phone: +966 55 7693344

Phone: +249 99 967 1000


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